All co-parenting advice may not be useful
For most events in life, there tends to be a person ready to give you some sort of advice. But when you are managing a relationship with your co-parent, not all advice is created equal. People who love to give advice often have the best intentions. In a tense, complex family law situation, those...
Continue Reading Are you struggling to pay your child support?
If you are paying child support and do not have shared custody of the kids, it can feel like you got the short end of the stick. It’s not that you oppose the agreement or object to financially supporting your children, but when things get tight it can be difficult to make those payments....
Continue Reading Could your divorcing spouse be digitally spying on you?
In 2012, the Justice Department tried to determine how common stalking is in the U.S. They estimated that about 1.5 percent of all American adults had been victims of stalking. For people who were divorced or separated, the number was more than twice that, at 3.3 percent. NPR recently published a story about a...
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